Monday, October 18, 2010

How to Deliver Training Seminars & Courses

Assuming that you have already decided on the content of your training seminar or course and have fully prepared your session plan including: timings, resources needed, introductions, types of exercises, break times, refreshments etc, then the question still remains of how to deliver the training? What will you do in the time you have with the participants, to make sure they have a memorable and interesting learning experience?
From my own experience of designing and delivering training one of the most important factors that will decide the success of the training session is how flexible you are to the needs of the individuals in your group. Ideally, the group need to feel some sense of ownership over the session. At the beginning of a seminar, I will outline my objectives for the training and I will also ask the group to outline theirs. If there is something really important that the group has identified that I have missed off of my plan I will build it into the session as I go along.
Another important element of delivering successful training is about listening to your group and helping them listen to each other. If you can build in from the very beginning an atmosphere of equality and shared learning it will be an enriching experience for everyone, including you. Of course, as well as participating in and listening to discussion you will need to actively and gently facilitate the group by making sure that no one dominates, quieter people get to speak and that discussion does not eat into the time you have set for tasks. 
Lastly, be open and honest. You may have been hired as the expert on the topic that you are delivering, but that does not mean you know everything, that others cannot challenge you or that you are in some way superior to your group. Challnges from group members can really open up discussion and learning opportunities so welcome them. Thank people for their contributions and help participants feel that the whole group has had a learning journey together.

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